Manitobans for the Arts - The Next Three Years

Manitoba’s arts and culture sector has always been a strength of our province. It is essential to our well-being and to our economy, and is our province's calling card.

The arts sector is fuelled by creativity and problem-solving. This unique time offers an opportunity to reimagine and reinvent Manitoba’s arts sector to fully harness its inherent capacity to stimulate the economic and social well-being of all Manitobans.

Manitobans for the Arts is well positioned as a convener at this critical time. Through consultation, we have identified priorities within the sector and are working alongside arts organizations and  private- and public-sector partners to address them. We understand the sector is always evolving and are committed to ongoing consultation with the whole community.

Coordinated action that brings together the collective knowledge and expertise of arts and culture leaders, the private sector and government will ensure that we will come out of the pandemic with a thriving, relevant sector that will propel Manitoba forward, socially, economically and culturally.

Woven through Manitobans for the Arts’s goals and priorities are commitments to engage in the work of Reconciliation, as well as to ensure equity, inclusivity and representation so that arts are truly accessible and relevant to all Manitobans.

Katy Slimmon

Self taught small scale marketing professional serving female entrepreneurs in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Current Government Support Programs


Audience Engagement with Probe Research